Wach auf! (NO)
Natt til 1. mai er det igjen duket for rød natt og revolusjonær musikk på Tranen når POING og Maja Ratkje byr på musikk fra tysk mellomkrigstid.
Natt til 1. mai er det igjen duket for rød natt og revolusjonær musikk på Tranen når POING og Maja Ratkje byr på musikk fra tysk mellomkrigstid.
Avisa Nordland: Med “Nordlandsnetter” åpnet Maja Ratkje årets musikkfestuke. – “Nordlandsnetter” blir aldri det samme etter dette, sa sjefen for Nordland Musikkfestuke, Rolf-Cato Raade etter fremføringen til trondheimsjenta, som sammen med crossovergruppen Poing utførte kjenningsmelodien. Se video! Av Pål Guttormsen. Publisert 02.08.2008 Ratkje er årets festivalkomponist og skal opptre senere i musikkfestuka både som utøver
Maja åpnet musikkfestuka (NO) Read More »
Når Rudolf Nilsens dikt Revolusjonens Røst ble slynget ut over Bygdøy i ettermiddag, var det ikke til å komme forbi at det oppsto et lite øyeblikk av forbløffelse blant de frammøtte på utendørskonserten på Holocaust-senteret (Villa Grande).
Gi meg de rene og ranke på Bygdøy (NO) Read More »
Washington Post Express:
Ratkje’s vibrant vocal fluctuations can make Bjork sound like an “American Idol” candidate. “I like to use the limits of what is possible with the voice,” Ratkje said, which includes whistles, growls, clicks and whisper-to-a-scream exhalations.
Ground and Sky: Today I went to the National Museum of Women in the Arts, which I never knew existed until now, for a performance by Norweigian vocalist/composer/improvisor Maja Ratkje, alongside the accordion/sax/bass trio POING. I went with a friend who I found out has been involved in some “new music” ensembles and is probably
POING and Maja Ratkje in Washington Read More »
POING started playing together in 1999, and has since then been one of the most interesting ensembles for contemporary music in Scandinavia, with more then 40 first performances by European and Asian composers. This CD contains new music by Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje, Sachiyo Tsurumi, Lars Petter Hagen, Áki Ásgeirsson and Jezper Holmen. Tracks: 1.
2001-03; dur: 120′; An opera for SPUNK, POING, 2 perc., folk singer, tenor, mezzo, three actors, tango dancers and electronics An opera in two parts, directed by Siw Merethe Mikalsen. Texts in English from the Nag Hammadi Library, edited by Plinio Bachmann. Scenography by Rolf Alme. Video by Kenneth Varpe. Programme note: “No Title Performance
No Title Performance and Sparkling Water Read More »
2004; dur: 17′; Accordion, alto sax and double bass
with three dictaphones; Score at nb.no
Rondo – Bastard – Overture – Explosion Read More »
POING is Rolf-Erik Nystrøm on saxophones, Frode Haltli on accordion and Håkon Thelin on double bass. This is the debut album of the charming and virtuoso trio often described as the ‘enfant terribles’ of Norwegian contemporary music. POING works with composers from all over the world, but “Giants of Jazz” features Norwegian composers in their
“One interesting aspect was that the musicians – all of whom were technically very accomplished – played both on and off stage and were, indeed, much more part of the action than in conventional opera.” “One of the more interesting parts was based on a well-known Negro spiritual/jazz number and a subsequent section had a strong French café society influence.”
2003; dur: 5’30”; Accordion, alto sax and double bass
No Title Tango and Milonga Read More »
1999; dur: 10′; Accordion, alto sax and double bass; Score at nb.no
essential extensions Read More »