
layoutA record of slowly evolving beauty that gradually unravels its meditative design. Recorded in Norwegian sculptor and painter Emanuel Vigeland’ s (1875 -1948) mausoleum in Oslo in 2013. A recording space that is famous for its acoustics and its long and full-sounding reverb. These three tracks utilize both the delicacy and the power of acoustic instruments and human voice in relation to the unique recording space. This is a record that is otherworldly and eerie but also with a great primal expressive force. Performed by four artists from different backgrounds coming together to create this singular set of music.

Beneath The Bough (13:03)
The Green Flood (18:57)
Afterglow (30:31)

Maja S.K. Ratkje – Voice and Bells
Jon Wesseltoft – Accordion Organ and Harmonium
Camille Norment – Glass Armonica
Per Gisle Galåen – Zither and Harmonium

Recorded at Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum May 2013 by Thomas Hukkelberg.
Mixed and mastered by Maja S.K. Ratkje.
All music by Ratkje, Wesseltoft, Norment, Galåen (TONO)
Artwork by John Brien

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Band photo

photo: Gorm K. Gaare

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