2012; Multi-installation by SPUNK

SPUNKROMposterSPUNK was in 2012 invited by Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall in Arendal, Norway to make an exhibition on their main halls in the first floor. We made use of the spaces as well as neighbouring areas and filled the different rooms with various themes, constructions, sound and video. GRUVERUTE was a film recorded with the four musicians playing in the old mines surrounding the museum. [intlink id=”1186″ type=”post”]REIR (NEST)[/intlink] and [intlink id=”1180″ type=”post”]LYS (LIGHT)[/intlink] were local remakes of existing works. LEIR was a sculpture using left-overs from the outdoors local Rock festival Hove, and DRYPP was a sound and video installation using dripping water from the deep mines. We also activated local children in the work through Den kulturelle skolesekken, a program for arts in elementary schools.

Some private documentation:


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