The red revolution has a new face in our time. Is it progress or sentimentality? How can we, by caressing old idioms with contemporary lust and energy, suggest an inviting alternative to the egocentric, postmodern capitalism and liberalism? Brecht encouraged to play with and exaggerate the elements used on stage. This involved “stripping the event of its self-evident, familiar, obvious quality and creating a sense of astonishment and curiosity”. By doing so, he hoped to communicate that the audience’s reality is equally constructed and changeable. So, join us in the singing, and never stop changing!
-Maja and POING 2011
Release date: April 28th 2011. Øra Fonogram. Norway. More info coming up!
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Track list:
1. Der Morgenchoral des Peachum
2. Solidaritätslied
3. Der Song von Mandelay
4. Vom ertrunkenen Mädchen
5. Nationalhymne der DDR
6. Die Seeräuberjenny
7. Seeing Red 1
8. Revolusjonens røst
9. Gategutt
10. Youkali Tango
11. Mining for Gold
12. Seeing Red 2
13. True Colors
14. Kanonensong
15. Gosudarstvenniy Gimn SSSR
Two of Norwegian music’s finest, naughtiest and most innovative performers, Maja S.K. Ratkje and POING (Rolf-Erik Nystrom, Håkon Thelin and Frode Haltli), join forces and urge us to wake up with a new album. Through improvisation and highly original arrangements, revolutionary music from different places and eras are changed into burning, contemporary pieces that comment on and celebrate the people’s struggle for freedom through the ages.
The collaboration between Ratkje and POING started in 1999 when she wrote the piece “essential extensions” for the trio, their first work. A year later, they stood together on a stage at Saunabar in Helsinki and performed songs by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht to everyone’s surprise. Since then, the have seen a repeated success of an annual night-to-1st of May concert at worn out pubs such as Tranen in Oslo joined by a festive crowd.
The repertoire has been expanded to include everything from national anthems from extinct Socialist states to pop songs from the 80s, folk music and workers’ songs from around the world. The concerts have lasted into small hours, with guests – professionals and amateurs, with poetry readings and speeches. A seemingly unfair mixture has gradually crystallized as a new, socialist interpretation of tradition with a concept that is considered rude because it is beyond ironic, anarchic because it is contradictory, and nostalgic beyond sentimental and “correct” interpretation of tradition.
On this release they have selected a handful of songs that hopefully gives an idea of some of the things that have happened in the 12-year-old partnership. Buy the album, go to concerts and participate! All are welcome in POING and Ratkje’s glowing, sore and excited universe.
Info (NO):
To av norsk musikklivs fineste, frekkeste og mest nyskapende aktører, Maja S. K. Ratkje og POING (Rolf-Erik Nystrøm, Håkon Thelin og Frode Haltli), forener krefter og maner til oppvåkning med nytt album. Via improvisasjoner og høyst originale arrangementer blir revolusjonær musikk fra ulike steder og epoker til brennhete, tilstedeværende stykker som kommenterer og feirer folkets kamp for frihet gjennom alle tider.
Samarbeidet mellom Ratkje og POING startet i 1999, da hun skrev stykket “essential extensions” til trioen, deres første verk. Et år senere stod de sammen på en scene i Saunabar i Helsinki og framførte sanger av Kurt Weill og Bertolt Brecht til alles store overraskelse. Siden da har de gjentatt suksessen med en årlig natt-til-1.mai-konsert på brune puber som Tranen i Oslo for et feststemt publikum.
Repertoaret har blitt utvidet til å inkludere alt fra nasjonalsanger fra utdødde sosialiststater til poplåter fra 80-tallet, folkemusikk og arbeidersanger fra hele verden. Konsertene har vart i flerfoldige timer, med gjester – profesjonelle som amatører, med diktopplesning og med appeller. En tilsynelatende usaklig blanding har etterhvert utkrystallisert seg som en ny, sosialistisk fortolkningstradisjon med et konsept som ble oppfattet som frekt fordi det var hinsides ironisk, anarkistisk fordi det var motsetningsfylt, og nostalgisk bortenfor sentimentaltet og korrekt fortolkningstradisjon.
På denne utgivelsen har de valgt ut et knippe sanger som forhåpentligvis gir et inntrykk av litt av det som har foregått i dette 12 år gamle samarbeidet. Kjøp plata, gå på konsert og delta! Alle er velkomne i POING og Ratkjes glødende, såre og oppstemte univers.
Performed by Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje (lead vocals, kazoo, water, harmonica) and POING: Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (saxophones, vocals), Frode Haltli (accordion, bass trombone, harmonium, vocals) and Håkon Thelin (double bass, vocals). Recorded by Jo Ranheim at Øra Studio. Mixed by Jostein Ansnes assisted by Pål Tore Holten. Mastered by Morten Stendahl at Redroom Studio. Produced by Jostein Ansnes, Maja S. K. Ratkje and POING. Cover photos by Kai Miedendorp. Cover design by Håvard Gjelseth. Thanks to Steinar Larsen for organising, Eirik Hegdal and Ole Jørgen Melhus for lending us instruments, Kyrre Tromm Lindvig and Ingo J. Biermann for German control, Øyvind Berg, Therese Bjørneboe and Lillebjørn Nilsen for helping with cover texts, Solheim A/L for photo location, Cowboy Junkies, Lotte Lenya, Charles Mingus, Rage Against The Machine and Cindy Lauper for inspiration. Special thanks to Kari, Svein, Ana Emilia, Marte, Frida, Trygve Brøske. Supported by FFUK and Norsk kulturråd.