Aurora: “Superb young artist exploring the outer space of his saxophones. Jazz, Contemporary music, Rock, Chinese traditional music. NO limits for Rolf-Erik.” Music by Lars Petter Hagen, Maja Ratkje, Øyvind Torvund, Rolf-Wallin, Rolf-Erik Nystrøm, Luca Fransesconi, Iannis Xenakis and Trond Reinholdtsen. Performed by Rolf-Erik Nystrøm and various.
On this album: [intlink id=”2510″ type=”post”]ØX[/intlink]
Maja also performs theremin and voice on work by Hagen and crumhorn on Reinholdtsen’s piece Everyday.
Read Maja’s article (in Norwegian) on Reinholdtsens piece [intlink id=”2955″ type=”post”]here[/intlink].