CODA magazine:
“The most riveting surprise of the festival was Fe-mail + Lotta Melin. Fe-mail is the duo of Maja S.K. Ratkje (voice, electronics, etc.) and Hild Sofie Tafjord (french horn, electronics, etc.), and for this performance they were joined by frequent collaborator Lotta Melin, a dancer. Sputter-funk from twisting electrodes smacked up fast! (gesturesound tweakgesture pow!sound whoawhoawhoa) against flaring french horn brass waves – modulations rampant and wiggling all around – to vocalizations of time-warped aggression and celebration and care. These two improvising musicians approached the incredible range of sound sources at their disposal – electronic, acoustic, physic – with equal musicality, creating a rare conflagration of sensitivity, speed, and sonic pleasure. Lotta Melin’s dancing, wholly integrated into this performance, marked one of those rare instances where a synthesis of different artistic mediums occurred, making the reality of the combination more exciting than any idealized discussion of blended mediums. Sonic effects had instant gestural ramifications, pauses in mood lingered heavy on bodies; musical gestures – switching instruments, poking buttons, opening mouths, changing microphones – automatically inaugurated corporal narratives of meaning. A highlight: seeing a professional dancer play/dance with a theremin while two deft improvisers watched and provoked the relationship with savvy whirls, flashes and fades. The set was so strong it was equally intimidating and inviting.”
(Andrew Chocate)