1997; dur: 10′; Tenor sax, reverb, quadraphonic playback; Score at nb.no; Available as a four channel tape piece, and also available in stereo version.
See programme notes and practical information below!
Stereo version released on the album
River Mouth Echoes (2008) and Sinus Seduction (2002), both with Torben Snekkestad on saxophone.
Programme notes:
“Sinus Seduction (moods two)” is performed with a four channel tape part, tenor saxophone and two microphones connected to two different reverberations (can also be done with one microphone and live controlling of reverb). The idea of using the rich and “oblique” overtone spectrum as a resource for building up a harmonic universe is carried on from the tape piece “mono mood (S)”. In a soundscape where the pure (sine waves) meets noise (distorted sax elements), the saxophonist fights for room, and changes between controlling and being controlled. The interference between the pure and the twisted leads the music through different moods, where the main atmosphere through the entire piece still remains the same. I wanted to make a melodic-thematic piece with simple electronic devices. The piece is dedicated to Torben Snekkestad (tenor saxophone).
Spectral analysis of the saxophone was done at NoTAM. Digital processing and mixing was done at the studio at the Norwegian State Academy of Music. The composer received 2nd price at the Luigi Russolo competition in 2001 for this piece.
in Norwegian:
“Sinus Seduction (moods two)” er et stykke for fire høyttalere, tenorsaksofon og live-styrt klang. I stykket videreføres ideen fra tape-stykket mono “mood (S)” med å bruke det rike og litt “skjeve” spekteret av overtoner i tenorsaksofontonen som utgangspunkt for et harmonisk materiale. I et lydlandskap der rene (sinus-)toner møter støy, i form av forvrengte og maltrakterte saksofon-elementer, kjemper saksofonisten om rom og veksler mellom å styre og bli styrt. Vekselvirkningen mellom det rene og det forvrengte driver stykket gjennom ulike “moods” der grunnstemningen allikevel er forsøkt bevart. Stykket er dedisert til saksofonisten Torben Snekkestad. Med dette stykket mottok Ratkje andrepris i Luigi Russolo-konkurransen for elektronisk musikk i 2001.
Practical information:
The score contains a detailed harmonic and time correct notation of everything going on in the four channels and in the voice of the saxophone. Durations in the score are precisely shown. Arrows show how long a note should be held. Stippled lines show relations between the saxophone voice and the music on the tape. Multiphonics are shown with sounding pitches and fingerings. Beams connect motifs and short phrases. In the improvisation part, the performer should be careful not to add gestures and tonalities which doesn’t belong to this piece. Four speakers should be placed as close to the audience as possible in the corners of the square surrounding the audience. Channel 1 and 2 is the left – right pair in front and 3 and 4 is the left – right pair behind. The reverb should come from the front pair of speakers and the sound from the saxophone (if the location is large) should come from an extra speaker in the middle behind the soloist. The amount of reverb on MIC II should be, depending on the room of performance, approx. 5″. When performed in Norway, the performer used a stop watch. This could be an idea if the room makes it hard to follow the tape.
A concert Review (in Danish):
Politiken, 13.04.99: “(…)Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje er et navn, der kan være værd at lægge merke til. I hennes SINUS SEDUCTION for tenorsax og live electronics udspyr fire højtalere sære, meget tingslige og agerende lydobjekter -lidt som en natlig legetøjsbutik, hvor genstandene spredt og forsigtigt begynder at leve deres eget liv: Spøger det, eller var det indbildning, at noget bevægede sig? Her opfører saxofonen en aparte pantomine, snart listende sig omkring i de mistænkelige omgivelser snart vekselvirkende med dem, blandt andet i tætte gnidninger med de sinustoner, der har givet stykket navn, og umærkeligt erobrer den rummet omkring sig. Stykket har en helt egen bizar skønhed og en pikant dramatik i detaljen.(…)” Jan Jacoby
Also released on this album: