mono mood(S)

1997; dur: 8′; Treated saxophone recordings

On saxophone: Torben Snekkestad

The meaning of the “S” could be Saxophone, Symmetry, Sine waves, or maybe Stereo… “mono mood(S)” is a slow piece of music. The musical point of departure in this piece consists of the harmonic spectre of the low Bb on the tenor saxophone. The overtones are audible through filtering of the sound. The saxophone sample is still heard at some occasions in addition to four multiphonics which have common or linked overtones. The last elements are processes with gradually or abruptly added distortion. Together with a last melodic saxophone motif, the piece floats through different moods where the balance between distortion and sine waves carries out the form. As a curiosity, the piece is made symmetrically, which means that the right channel is playing the backwards version of the left, or opposite. The piece is performed with separated channels.

in Norwegian:

Hva (S) står for er ikke godt å si. Det kan være Sinus, Støy, Saksofon, Symmetri eller rett og slett Stereo….. All ære til Torben Snekkestad som med sin tenorsaksofon har gitt meg noen flotte toner å jobbe med. Ellers en takk til NoTAM for overtoneskalpell og annet disseksjonsutstyr.

Som en kuriositet kan jeg nevne at “mono mood (S)” er laget som ett stykke i mono som skal framføres både forlegs og baklengs på samme tid. (Derfor stereo). Dette er selvfølgelig underordnet det klare faktum at stykket egentlig bare er til for å gi den som hører på en mulighet til musikalsk opplevelse.


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