For Regndansere/ For Raindancers

1994-95; dur: 12′; Percussion quartet;
Score at Notebutikken

The first version of this percussion quartet was composed in 1994 for the percussion ensemble at the Norwegian State Academy of Music in Oslo. The first performance was in Copenhagen at the UNM festival (Ung Nordisk Musikk), a festival for young Nordic composers and performers. It has also been performed in Norway, the Netherlands and in USA. It is selected for the Musica Nova festival in Bulgaria, June 2000. The piece is published by Norsk Musikkforlag, Oslo.

The piece is based upon the poem “The rain falls to free you” by the Norwegian African Bertrand Besigye. The subtitle is “For Raindancers”. This poem is analysed with the use of two motifs, one “rain” motif, and one “dance” motif, the last one gradually coming through during the piece. Instrumentation is a result of the development of elements in the poem. See also review in “Percussive Notes” published by Percussive Arts Society (USA), August 1998.

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